Despite the negative talk surrounding property prices in 2016, it is now becoming apparent that what experts warned could happen has not actually happened. The May interest rate cut has stimulated the Sydney housing market right at the time that many felt the boom was done for. Many economists will […]
For some people, stepping into the real estate arena feels like stepping into the Colosseum with lions on the loose. When you are about to buy or sell your most important asset, conducting the transaction amongst contradictory advice and other people’s vested interest is daunting. It does beg the question, […]
The Sutherland Shire has plenty of development ahead and you may have noticed that in some areas you expect and even in some areas you wouldn’t there are large residential unit complexes either being built or in the process of getting council approval to be built. Over the next 3 […]
If the market is rising or falling in price, the crucial number when it comes to buying and selling is the changeover number. Simplistically, buy high/sell high or sell low/buy low. The market is relevant if you are buying and selling at the one time. Surprisingly, not everyone wins when […]
Suburbs where homes are such hot property they sell in days These are the suburbs where property is snapped up in a heartbeat. SOME property is so hot right now. It takes an average of 36 days to sell a home in one the country’s capital cities, but in some […]
Buying any real estate is a stressful, draining and emotional experience for anyone. As a real estate agent I know the typical tricks and antics the market can play on buyers, but it wasnt until I purchased my first home that I truly realised exactly what it is like to […]