The property market has been surprisingly resilient during COVID-19. Actually, change that to remarkably resilient. The spring property market will face several crucial pressure points that will test that resilience though. If you ask 10 experts for their opinion/forecast on how the Sydney property market will play out for the […]
In the blink of an eye, the housing market has gone from rising to falling. Buying in a falling market is often described as catching a falling knife. This is not always an apt description when it comes to falling property markets though. Unlike stocks and shares, you can gain […]
The 2019 post-election property boom officially ended in April 2020, with the advent of COVID-19. As with all booms that end, some pundits will suggest that it represents the start of a crash. Without doubt, the risks lurking in this current market exceed anything in recent memory, including those risks […]
In the world of a property investor, there are almost countless measures, terms and phrases to get acquainted with that help you determine your future and current position, viability and long-term outlook. For landlords, one of the best indicators of your financial stakes is the rental yield. It’s a quick […]
Thanks but no thanks, keep your hands on your money and off our real estate. Both the State and Federal Government have introduced budget measures in the past month that will deter foreign investors in the property market. There will be talk about the measures raising new taxation revenue to […]
Mortgage stress is forever increasing in the Sydney area. Most mortgages now depend on multiple sources of income and some families are finding it tougher to get ahead. We have compiled a few tips to assist you in either reducing that stress or even saving you money in the long […]
As more apartments are constructed, many people will be moving into strata living arrangements for the first time. If you are purchasing a strata title property it’s crucial that you buy into a good apartment and a well managed building. Many people who buy into a building mistakenly make their […]
Investors entering the property market need to protect themselves against overzealous rental quotes. Often the agent spruiking the proposed rental return is a sales agent and not a property manager. To protect yourself against an unwanted and unexpected shortfall in the income on your new investment, disregard a selling agent’s […]
Despite the negative talk surrounding property prices in 2016, it is now becoming apparent that what experts warned could happen has not actually happened. The May interest rate cut has stimulated the Sydney housing market right at the time that many felt the boom was done for. Many economists will […]
When a property sells for $1 million and later resells for $1.5 million, many people jump to the conclusion that the owners made about $500,000 profit. You often see this type of commentary in the property pages of newspapers about the real estate transactions of sports stars, celebrities and socialites. […]
For some people, stepping into the real estate arena feels like stepping into the Colosseum with lions on the loose. When you are about to buy or sell your most important asset, conducting the transaction amongst contradictory advice and other people’s vested interest is daunting. It does beg the question, […]
The Sutherland Shire has plenty of development ahead and you may have noticed that in some areas you expect and even in some areas you wouldn’t there are large residential unit complexes either being built or in the process of getting council approval to be built. Over the next 3 […]